Vaccine Vial Indicator

The vaccine vial indicator is a flexible label that is used for pharmaceutical cold chain requirements. The pharmaceutical cold chain requirement is anywhere between 2°- 8°C, and the vaccine vial indicator triggers the 8°C. This lead showcase solution is manufactured at high speed and ultra-low cost. The unique part about the vaccine vial indicator is that it has the ability to go onto a vaccine on its own or on any other container.

SpotSee can design a vaccine vial indicator in virtually any shape or color change combination. The indicator can also be incorporated directly onto the vaccine label. This flexibility enables this indicator to work effectively in a variety of form factors.



  • Flexible form factor
  • Ultra-low cost
  • Manufactured at high speed
  • Designed to take temperature of the product itself rather than the air temperature
  • Customized for the pharmaceutical requirement


  • Insulin
  • Cold-chain medicine
  • Vaccine vials
  • Infusions
  • Eye drops

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